Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 16.14. PhotomicrographsofH&Estainsectionsofthedirectlybor-
dering tissue after PLGA, DBP hybrid PLGA films, and DBP. (a) The tis-
sue implanted with PLGA, bar length = 100 μ m (x100); (b-f) the tissue
implanted with 10% DBP/PLGA, 20% DBP/PLGA, 40% DBP/PLGA, 80%
DBP/PLGA, and DBP, respectively, bar length = 50 μ m (x400). Note that
the number of inflammatory cells and fibrous band thickness in vicinity to
the tissue-implanted samples decreased as the DBP content in PLGA films
The fibrous wall thickness is represented by black and white arrows. See
also ColorInsert.
cytokines such as IL-1 β .TNF- α and IL-1 β are potent stimula-
tors of fibroblast growth. 25 Therefore, temporospatial expression
of these pro-inflammatory mediators allows fine-tuning of the
inflammatoryresponse. 6 DBPshavebeenreportedasbiocompatible
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