Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 16.5. Safranin O indicating the presence of the proteoglycan-rich
matrixcorroborated withpositiveandAlcianbluestaining,confirmingGAG
weeks' culture. See also ColorInsert.
culture of AF and NP cells. At two weeks' culture, minimal cartilagi-
nous tissue formation was observed in the fibrin/PLGA seeded with
AF cells with several cells clusters filling up the void spaces of the
scaffold (Fig. 16.5).
The newly synthesized ECM was strongly stained by the
characteristic red of Safranin O, indicating the presence of
the proteoglycan-rich matrix corroborated with positive Alcian blue
staining confirming GAG accumulation. The formation of cartilagi-
nous tissue in fibrin/PLGA was remarkably evident by three weeks
of in vitro culture. The closely packed cells were homogeneously
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