Biomedical Engineering Reference
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weight-bearing tissue, such as articular cartilage that consists of
multiphasic cellular architecture, are significant. 39 There have been
a number of successful approaches to tissue engineer cartilage,
geneic and autologous sources of mature chondrocytes and chon-
droprogenitor cells, chondroinductive growth factors, such as the
transforming growth factors-
s), and combinations thereof.
PCL-based nanofibrous scaffolds by electrospinning showed better
compatibility with fetal bovine chondrocytes (FBCs) and maintain
chondrocytesinamature,functionalstate. 40 Resultsfurtherdemon-
strated that FBCs seeded on PCL nanofibers were able to main-
tain their chondrocytic phenotype by expressing cartilage-specific
ECM genes such as aggrecan, collagen type II and IX, and carti-
lage oligomeric matrix protein. 40 FBCs exhibited a spindle or round
shape on the nanofibrous scaffold in contrast to a flat, well-spread
morphology, as seen when cultured on tissue culture polystyrene.
Another interesting finding from this study was that a serum-free
medium produced a more sulfated proteo-glycan-rich cartilaginous
matrix compared with the same cultured in a monolayer on tissue
of FBCs depends on the architecture of the scaffold and the compo-
sition of the culture medium. Hence, PCL nanofibers show potential
to befurther explored as scaffoldsfor cartilage tissueengineering.
12.3.8 Drug, DNA, Protein, and Enzyme Delivery
The utility of nanofibrous electrospun composite scaffolds has
greatly expanded over the last decade so that they now serve as
viable delivery vehicles for a host of different biomedical applica-
advantageous for biogenic molecule delivery, in which site speci-
ficity and lower overall medicinal dosages lead to a potential
industry-altering mechanism of delivering therapeutics. Different
biogenic molecules used to predominantly treat infections and can-
Further, the inherent high porosity of these electrospun scaffolds
allows for a more precisely controlled degradation, which is tun-
able by polymer composition and fiber morphology, leading to sus-
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