Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
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8.4 Conduit and cannula component placement in Thoratec extracorporeal
biventricular (Thoratec, 2009).
A few tests have been developed by researchers to determine the human body's
reaction to foreign materials, i.e. in vitro, ex vivo and clinical. This section
consequently will provide information on preparation and testing of biomaterial
for cardiac devices and the related standards applied to them.
In vitro is an initiation for development steps of biomaterials, which can be of
great help in understanding biological response to biomaterial and vice versa.
Cell adhesion or activation and cytotoxicity are identified with fundamental
biocompatibility cell culture assays for in vitro test (Anderson, 2006). It is an
important step since performing an in vitro test helps cut down development
expenses and time of biological evaluation of medical devices and its com-
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