Biomedical Engineering Reference
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8.1 Platelets adsorption to DLC coatings and titanium substrate for incubation
period of 15 min (a, b) and 60 min (c, d) respectively (Jones et al., 2000).
(Reprinted with permission of JohnWiley & Sons, Inc.).
deposition process, forming the substrate surface (Dearnaley and Arps, 2005)
and alloying DLC with different elements (e.g. Si, F, N, O, W, V, Co, Mo, Ti)
(Hauert, 2003) must be effectively optimized to eliminate the failure and to
enhance tribological properties.
Commercially, EVAHEART (second generation LVAD) and VentrAssist
(third generation LVAD) utilize DLC coatings on their titanium and titanium
alloy substrates respectively.
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8.2 (a)Platelet activationonTiNsurface; (b)platelet activationonDLCcoating
(Jones et al., 2000). (Reprintedwith permission of JohnWiley &Sons, Inc.)
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