Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
(3) Create the coupling matrix for the simple neuron in Fig. 5.8. Assume sealed end boundaries.
(4) Explain how to create the matrix for the right side of Fig. 5.4 assuming all of the radii are equal.
(5) The Traub model of a Pyramidal neuron is shown in Fig. 7.1. Create the coupling matrix for this
neuron assuming the diameter of all compartments is the same.
Simulation Problems
(1) Write a computer program to simulate the simple neuron in Fig. 5.8 where the passive properties are
as given inCh. 4, simulation problem1, and the active properties are determined byHHparameters.
Demonstrate that by stimulating one branch with a large enough current that an action potential
is fired in the soma and propagates down the axon.
(2) In the program create above, does the stimulus threshold change if you stimulate the branch with
radius e versus stimulating one of the branches with radius d .
(3) There are two primary ways that the threshold at a soma could reach threshold. First, a single large
current may depolarize one branch, which although attenuated, may still be above the threshold of
the soma. Second,many smaller currents may enter many branches simultaneously and be integrated
(added up) to bring the soma to threshold. Use the program in 1 to demonstrate both ways of firing
the soma.
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