Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Next is the most important part: You have to glue the acrylic in the correct place in the
board. Make sure that the copper strips are parallel with the box edge and that the LED is in
the centre of the hole when the lid is on. hen hold the board through the hole and remove
the lid of the box. Add some hot melt glue to the corners of the acrylic sheet without moving
it. What makes this diicult is the wire that is wanting to twist the orientation of the board.
Bend the wire to your will. Figure 14-11 shows the board with the hole correctly aligned.
Figure 14-11:
he joystick
aligned under
the central hole.
Finally, ix the ribbon cable to the slot in the top side with a bit more hot melt glue. When it
has inally tested correctly you can glue the half table tennis ball by dropping it through the
hole as shown in Figure 14-12. When this has dried remove the lid and add a illet of glue
neatly round the whole of the ball. Just remember you need two of these joysticks; the con-
nections to the PiFace board for the second player's joystick button are shown in Figures
14-5 and 14-6 in brackets.
Joystick Testing
Just as with the slot car hack, you need to test your joystick buttons using a simple program
before you try anything fancy with it. he test program is shown in Listing 14-2.
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