Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-12 :
Insert a micro
USB for power.
The Boot Process
After you've connected everything, have a correctly imaged SD card and powered up your
Raspberry Pi, it will quickly lash a colourful square to test the graphics. After a few seconds,
the Raspberry Pi logo will appear in the top-left corner of the screen, and many lines of text
will scroll past.
he text reveals some of the work the OS is doing. You may see messages as the various driv-
ers are loading, such as the keyboard driver, sound driver and network driver. After the driv-
ers have loaded, the OS runs any startup programs and displays the login prompt.
By default, the username is pi , and the password is raspberry .
Type pi and press Enter.
Now type raspberry and press Enter. Linux doesn't display anything when you type pass-
words, which can be a bit unfamiliar if you are used to other OSes.
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