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Listing 5-3 continued
pygame.display.set_caption(“Ping 1 player”)
screenWidth = 500
screenHeight =300
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([screenWidth, ;
background = pygame.Surface((screenWidth,screenHeight))
textSize = 36
scoreSurface = pygame.Surface((textSize,textSize))
font = pygame.font.Font(None, textSize)
# define the colours to use for the user interface
cBackground =(255,255,255)
cBall = (0,0,0)
background.fill(cBackground) # make background colour
cText = (0,0,0)
box = [screenWidth-10,screenHeight-10]
deltaChoice = [ [15,1], [14,1], [13,1], [12,1], ;
[11,1], [10,1], [15,2], [14,2], [13,2], [12,2], [11,2], [10,2] ]
maxDelta = 11
delta = deltaChoice[random.randint(0,maxDelta)]
hw = screenWidth / 2
hh = screenHeight /2
ballPosition = [-hw,hh] # position of the ball off-screen
batMargin = 30 # how far in from the wall is the bat
batHeight = 24
batThick = 6
batInc = 20 # bat / key movement
batX = [batMargin, screenWidth - batMargin]
batY = [hh, hh] # initial bat position
limit = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #wall limits & bat limits
ballRad = 8 # size of the ball
rally = True
pause = True
score = 0
best = 0 # high score
balls = 3 # number of balls in a turn
ballsLeft = balls
def main():
global ballPosition, rally, balls, pause, score, best
updateBox(0,0) # set up wall limits
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