Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.2 A screenshot of the
SpriteDrawing program
spriteBatch.Draw(balloon, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
Before we start drawing anything, we have to make sure that the Begin method is
called. In that method, the graphics device is prepared for drawing things on the
screen. The End method tells the graphics device that we are done drawing, so things
can be cleaned up for the next drawing batch. Neither the Begin nor the End methods
need any parameters, therefore we leave the parentheses empty. The Draw method
takes three parameters. The first parameter is the sprite that needs to be drawn. The
second parameter is the position of the sprite on the screen. This position is given
as a two-dimensional coordinate, where the coordinate ( 0 , 0 ) corresponds to the top
left of the game screen. Just like Color.Chocolate is an expression that gives the color
chocolate, the expression Vector2.Zero gives the two-dimensional vector ( 0 , 0 ) .Ifwe
provide the top left point on the screen as a parameter to the Draw method, then the
top left point of the sprite is drawn there. Finally we can provide a 'tint' to optionally
change the color of the sprite. If the color Color.White is supplied, no tinting happens,
which is what we want in this case. Figure 4.2 shows a screenshot of the program
when running.
Just like with the Color class, we could also make a Vector2 variable that contains
a position depending on the current time. Let us call this variable balloonPosition , and
we declare it as follows:
Vector2 balloonPosition;
Where should we place this declaration? If you think about it, the balloon position
is a part of the game world. We update the game world in the Update method, and
we draw it in the Draw method. Because multiple methods need to access this vari-
able, we therefore need to declare it at the class body level, and not in one of the
methods. Now that is done, we can write the following instructions in the Update
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