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4. Cuneiform
(a) Write a method Stripes with a number as a parameter (you may assume that
this parameter is 0 or larger). The method should give as a result a string
with as many vertical dashes as the parameter indicates. For example, the
call this .Stripes(5) results in "|||||" .
(b) Write a method Cuneiform with a number as a parameter. You may assume
that this parameter will always be 1 or bigger. The method should give as a
result a string containing the number in a cuneiform notation. In that nota-
tion, every number is represented by vertical dashes and the digits are sepa-
rated by a horizontal dash. Horizontal dashes are also placed at the beginning
and at the end of the string. Here are a few examples:
this .Cuneiform(25) results in " || ||||| "
this .Cuneiform(12345) results in " | || ||| |||| ||||| "
this .Cuneiform(7) results in " ||||||| "
this .Cuneiform(203) results in " || −− ||| "
Hint: deal with the last digit first and then repeat for the rest of the digits.
5. Sequences
(a) Write a method To t a l with a number n as a parameter that returns the total of
the numbers from 0 until n as a result. If n has a value smaller than or equal
to 0, the method should return 0.
(b) The factorial of a natural number is the result of the multiplication of all
the numbers smaller than that number. For example, the factorial of 3 equals
6. Write a method Factorial which calculates the factorial of its
parameter. You may assume that the parameter always is larger than or equal
to 1.
(c) Write a method Power that has two parameters: a number x and an expo-
nent n . The result should be x n ,so x is multiplied n times with itself. You
may assume that n is a positive integer. The method should also work if n
equals 0, and if x isn't an integer number.
Hint: use a variable for calculating the result, and don't forget to give that
variable an initial value!
(Note: many programming languages have the power operator ^ . C# doesn't
have this operator, although there is a method Math.Pow . You are not allowed
to use that method here otherwise this exercise would be too easy :) ).
(d) We can approximate the hyperbolic cosine of a real number x as follows:
x 2
x 4
x 6
x 8
x 10
! +···
In this case, the notation 6
means factorial of 6. Write a method Coshyp that
calculates this approximation by summing 20 of these terms and returning
that value as a result.
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