Game Development Reference
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28.3 A Patrolling Enemy
The rocket is a type of enemy that basically has no intelligent behavior. It flies from
left to right or vice versa until it flies out of the screen, and then it resets itself. We
can also add enemies that are slightly smarter, such as a patrolling enemy. Let us
setup a few different types of patrolling enemies that we can add to our game.
28.3.1 The Basic PatrollingEnemy Class
The PatrollingEnemy class is quite similar to the Rocket class. We want the patrolling
enemy to be animated, so it will inherit from the AnimatedGameObject class. Second,
we need to define the behavior of the enemy inside the overridden Update method.
The basic behavior of the patrolling enemy is that it walks from left to right and
back again. If the enemy character reaches a gap, or a wall tile, the enemy will stop
walking, wait for some time, and turn around again. We can then place enemies on
arbitrary positions in the level. For the player, we have defined some rudimentary
physics like falling and jumping. We will not do that for the Enemy class, since the
enemies we will define for this game will only walk from the left to the right and
back again.
In the constructor of the PatrollingEnemy class, we load the main animation for
the patrolling enemy character (which is an angry-looking flame). Initially, we set
a positive velocity so that the enemy character starts walking to the right. Also, we
initialize another member variable called waitTime that will maintain how long the
enemy has been waiting on one of the edges of the platform that it is walking on.
waitTime = 0.0f;
velocity.X = 120;
this .LoadAnimation("Sprites/Flame/spr_flame@9", "default", true );
this .PlayAnimation("default");
Inside the Update method, we have to distinguish between two cases: the enemy
is walking or waiting. We can distinguish between these to states by looking at the
waitTime variable. If this variable contains a positive value, the enemy is apparently
waiting. If the variable contains a value of zero or smaller, the enemy is walking.
When the enemy is waiting, we do not have to do much. Just like we did in the
Rocket class, we subtract the elapsed game time from the waitTime variable. If the
wait time has reached zero, we have to turn around the character. Here is the code
that handles this:
if (waitTime > 0)
=( float )gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
if (waitTime <= 0.0f)
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