Game Development Reference
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if (A.Intersects(B))
27.7 Retrieving Bounding Boxes
In order to handle collision efficiently in our game, we are going to extend the
SpriteGameObject class with a property BoundingBox that returns the bounding box of
the sprite:
public override Rectangle BoundingBox
int left = ( int )(GlobalPosition.X
int top = ( int )(GlobalPosition.Y
return new Rectangle(left, top, Width, Height);
As you can see, we take into account the origin of the sprite in order to calculate the
correct position of the box. Also, note that the bounding box position is expressed
using global positions . When doing collision detection, we want to know where the
objects are in the world, we do not care about their local positions in some hierarchy
of game objects.
27.8 Per-pixel Collision Detection
Next to the BoundingBox property, we have added a method CollidesWith to the
SpriteGameObject class that deals with the collision detection. Next to checking if
the bounding boxes intersect, this method performs a per-pixel collision detection.
The first step in this method is to determine if we need to do any collision detec-
tion at all. If either of the two objects is invisible, or if their bounding boxes do not
intersect, we return from the method:
if (! this .Visible || !obj.Visible || !BoundingBox.Intersects(obj.BoundingBox))
return false ;
The next step is calculating the overlapping part of the two bounding boxes. Since
this is a useful thing to calculate when dealing with collision detection in general,
we are going to create a new class Collision that contains a number of static meth-
ods that are useful for collision detection, very similar to how MathHelper functions.
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