Game Development Reference
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As you can see, we set the animation to initially show the first frame, and we initial-
ize the time variable to zero (more about that later).
26.4.1 Updating the Animation that Is Currently Playing
In the Update method, we have to calculate which frame should be drawn. But that
means that we need to know how much time has passed since the last frame was
drawn. If we were to increment the frame index in every call to the Update method,
the animation would be played way too fast. So, we will save the time that has
passed since the last frame was drawn inside the member variable time .Wehaveto
update this variable in the beginning of the Update method:
time += ( float )gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
We are using the property ElapsedGameTime here, which indicates how much time
has passed since the last time Update was called. This property gives us an object
of type TimeSpan which in turn has a property called TotalSeconds that expresses the
elapsed time, in seconds, as a double .
Now we can calculate the index of the frame that should be shown. For this, we
will use a while -instruction:
while (time > frameTime)
= frameTime;
if (isLooping)
sheetIndex = (sheetIndex + 1) % this .NumberSheetElements;
sheetIndex = Math.Min(sheetIndex + 1, this .NumberSheetElements
What happens here exactly? The while -instruction continues as long as the time vari-
able contains a value larger than frameTime . Inside the while -instruction, we sub-
tract the frame time from the time variable. Suppose that the time that each frame
is displayed is set to 1 second. Now we enter the Update method and we add the
elapsed time to the time member variable. Suppose that this variable now contains
the value 1.02 , meaning that the frame we are currently showing has been shown for
1.02 seconds. This means that we should show the next frame instead. We do this by
incrementing the index of the frame we are currently showing. We then update the
time variable and subtract the frame time (1 second), so that the new value of time
becomes 0.02. We have put this code inside a while -instruction, so that we are sure
that we always show the right frame, even if the time passed since the last update
was multiple times the frame time. For example, if the new value of time was 3.4,
then we would need to move three frames ahead and subtract the frame time three
times from the time variable. The while -instruction takes care of that.
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