Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
22.6 Reading the Levels from the Text File
22.6.1 The loadLevels Method
In the previous chapter, we have seen how to add different game states to a game
and how to switch between them. We are going to add a new game state in this
chapter, the playing game state. This game state is then responsible for loading
and displaying the levels. We added a method called LoadLevels to this class which
creates a StreamReader instance to read the file. The first step is to read the first line
in the file, which contains the number of levels to be loaded. What we will then do is
create for each level an instance of a class that we added to the project called Level ,
and we pass the StreamReader instance as a parameter to the constructor . Inside the
Level constructor, we will then read the relevant lines from the text file to create the
Level object. Once we are done, we close the file reader. The complete LoadLevels
method is given as follows:
public void LoadLevels( string path)
StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(path);
string line = fileReader.ReadLine();
int nrLevels = int .Parse(line);
for ( int currLevel = 1; currLevel <= nrLevels; currLevel++)
levels.Add( new Level(currLevel, fileReader));
22.6.2 Creating the Level Object
Inside the Level constructor, we then create the different game objects belonging to
each level. First, we add a background image to the game world, then we read the
first few lines of information from the level text file, using the stream reader that
was passed as a parameter:
string levelTitle = reader.ReadLine();
string levelHelp = reader.ReadLine();
int nrpairs = int .Parse(reader.ReadLine());
Then, we read the width and height of the level. In order to extract the int values
from the line that we read, we use the Split method:
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