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A Stream allows you to both read and write from the same file, as well as overwrite
parts of the file. A reader or writer only allows you to read or write, respectively.
22.5.3 Reader
A reader class allows reading bigger units than bytes. For example, a TextReader
can read text (so: strings consisting of characters). It contains among others the
following methods:
int Read(); // reads a char or returns
1 if the end of the file was reached
string ReadLine(); // reads the next line
string ReadToEnd(); // reads the rest of the file
A BinaryReader can read the basic types in their binary coding. An int or a float
always takes 4 bytes, a long or a double always 8 bytes. This class has (among
others) the following methods:
byte ReadByte();
short ReadInt16();
int ReadInt32();
long ReadInt64();
uint ReadUInt32();
double ReadDouble();
Readers are not streams! Although some of them have a method Read or ReadByte ,
these are other methods than the methods carrying the same name in Stream , with
other results. Some of the readers (such as BinaryReader ) allow you to provide a
Stream as a parameter in the constructor. For every reading operation the binary
reader will use the underlying stream to read the actual bytes. However, not all
readers use an underlying stream, some of them have an underlying string from
which they get the data.
22.5.4 Text Reader
It is not allowed to make instances directly of the class TextReader because it is an
abstract class (more about that later on). If you want to use a kind of text reader,
you should use one of its subclasses. You can choose between two subclasses:
a StreamReader is a text reader that uses an underlying stream, a StringReader is a
text reader that uses an underlying string. In practice, you will probably use the
StreamReader most of the times. This is also the class that we use in the example.
The naming of the different classes is slightly confusing:
a BinaryReader reads binary things from an underlying stream
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