Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 1.1
A screenshot of the Visual Studio Express 2010 development environment
basic working environment for creating a game. We'll deal with projects in more
detail later on. First, start up the Visual Studio development environment. We are
now inside the development environment that we're going to use to make our own
games. Now choose File New Project in the main menu. On the left side of
the screen that pops up, choose the template folder 'XNA Game Studio 4.0'. Your
pop up screen should then look something like Fig. 1.2 . Now select the Windows
Game 4.0 template. At the bottom of the screen, you can enter a name and a location
for your project. We're not yet concerned with the other available options. After
you've chosen a name and a location, click on the OK button. A new project will
now be created for you.
1.4 Running the Newly Created Project
Now that we have created the project, we can run it by clicking on the green play
arrow located below the main menu (see Fig. 1.3 ). If you click on the arrow, you
should see the window shown in Fig. 1.4 . This window shows the game that you've
just made. Obviously, this is not really a 'game', since you cannot really do anything
except look at the nice background color. So close this window, and let's look at the
files in the game project we just created. On the right side of the Visual Studio editor
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