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12.9.1 Strings: A Special Kind of Array
The string class has a lot of similarities to an array: it consists of a list of characters,
it has a length, and we can access the individual characters using brackets, just like
an array. The string class has among others the following methods and properties:
int Length : determines the length of the string;
string SubString( int x, int y) : selects a part of the string indicated by two positions
and returns it as a result;
string Concat( object s) : glues a second string behind it, and returns it as a result.
If the parameter is something other than a string, the method To S t r i n g is called on
the object first.
bool Equals( string s) : compares the string character-by-character to another string
and yields true if all characters are the same;
int IndexOf( string s) : determines at which spot s in this appears for the first time;
string Insert( int p, string s) : insert s into the string at position p .
In all cases where a string is returned as a result, it is a new string. The original
string is not changed in any way. This is a conscious choice by the designers of the
class. The string type is immutable , in other words: once an object of that type is
created it cannot be modified anymore. Of course it is possible to make a modified
copy , which is exactly what SubString , Concat and Insert do.
Apart from methods, the string class also defines operators.
The + operator with a left string argument does exactly the same as the Concat
method. This allows concatenating strings as "Hello"+ name .
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