Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
class Motorbike : MotorizedVehicle {...}
class Bicycle : Vehicle {...}
class Airplane : MovingGameObject {...}
class Boat : MovingGameObject {...}
class MotorBoat : Boat {...}
class SteamBoat : MotorBoat {...}
class SpeedBoat : MotorBoat {...}
class SailBoat : Boat {...}
Figure 10.3 shows the inheritance structure, using arrows to indicate an in-
heritance relation between classes. At the very base of the inheritance tree is a
GameObject class. This class contains only very basic information such as the po-
sition or the velocity of the game object. For each subclass, new members (vari-
ables, methods or properties) can be added, which are of relevance for the particular
class and its subclasses. For example, the variable numberOfWheels typically belongs
in the Vehicle class and not in MovingGameObject (since boats do not have wheels).
The variable flightAltitude belongs in the Airplane class and the variable bellIsWorking
belongs to the Bicycle class.
10.6.2 Designing Class Hierarchies
When you determine the way that your classes are structured, you have to make
many decisions. There is not a single 'best' hierarchy and, depending on the ap-
plication, one hierarchy might be more useful than another. For instance, in this
example we have opted to first divide the MovingGameObject class according to the
Fig. 10.3
A complicated hierarchy of classes
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