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However, this is a very bad idea. A color indicator is certainly not a kind of cannon,
and designing your classes in this way makes it very unclear what the supposed use
is of your classes. Every time you write a class that inherits from another class, ask
yourself whether that class really is 'a kind of' the class that you inherit from. If it
is not, then you have to rethink your design.
10.5 The Ball Class
10.5.1 Outline of the Class
We can define the Ball class in a very similar fashion as the Cannon class. Just like the
Cannon class, we inherit from the ThreeColorGameObject class. The only difference is
that we have to add an extra member variable that indicates if the ball is currently
class Ball : GameObject
bool shooting;
When a Ball instance is created, we need to call the ThreeColorGameObject construc-
tor, just as we did with the Cannon class. Next to that, we need to give the shooting
variable an initial value of false , and set the position. However, for now we are not
going to set these variables explicitly in the constructor. We will deal with this later
on. This means that the constructor is given as follows:
public Ball(ContentManager Content)
: base (Content.Load<Texture2D>("spr_ball_red"),
The ball should do a couple of things. First, it should handle input from the player,
so we have to override the HandleInput method. Also, the ball needs to be updated,
therefore the Update method also needs to be overridden. Finally, the Reset method
needs to be overridden, because the shooting member variable needs to be reset as
well when this method is called. Overriding the HandleInput and Update methods is
rather straightforward. Both the headers need the override keyword, and we can fill
them in with the right instructions. You can have a look at the complete Ball class
definition given in Listing 10.2 .
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