Game Development Reference
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int val = 10;
while (val >= 3)
val = val
The second instruction is called a while -loop. This instruction consists of a kind of
header ( while (val >= 3) ) and a body ( val = val 3; ). The header consists of the word
while followed by a condition between parentheses. The body itself is an instruction.
In this case, the instruction subtracts 3 from a variable. However, it could just as well
have been another kind of instruction such as a method call or accessing a property.
This is the syntax diagram of the while -instruction:
When the while -instruction is executed, the body is executed multiple times. In
fact, as long as the condition in the header yields true , the body will be executed.
In this example, the condition is the val variable contains a value that is at least 3 or
higher. In the beginning, the variable contains the value 10, so it is certainly higher
than 3. Therefore, the body of the while -instruction is executed, and the variable val
then contains the value 7. The condition is then evaluated again. The variable still
is higher than 3, so the body is executed once more, after which the variable val
contains the value 4. Again, the value is higher than 3, so the body is executed again
and val will contain the value 1. At that point, the condition is evaluated, but it is
no longer true . Therefore, the repeating instruction comes to an end. So, after this
piece of code is executed, the variable val contains the value 1. In fact what we have
programmed here is the integer division operator using the while -instruction.
Of course, it is easier to simply use the division operator in this case, but if we
want to draw the number of lives of the player on the screen, we can use a while -
instruction to do this quite efficiently:
int i=0;
while (i < lives)
spriteBatch.Draw(livesSprite, new Vector2(i
livesSprite.Width + 15, 20),
In this while -instruction, the body is executed as long as the variable i contains a
value smaller than numberOfLives . Every time the body is executed, we draw the
sprite on the screen, and then we increment i by 1. The result of this is that we
draw the sprite on the screen exactly numberOfLives times! So in fact, we are using
the variable i here as a counter . As you can see, the body of a while -instruction
may contain more than a single instruction. If the body contains more than one
instruction, the instructions need to be placed between braces, just like with the
if -instruction.
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