Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
7.4 The Cannon Class
7.4.1 Data in the Cannon Class
The goal of the Cannon class is to group the data and behavior belonging to the can-
non game object together. In the Painter3 example, there were a few member vari-
ables associated with the cannon: the variable containing the cannon barrel sprite,
three variables containing the different color indication discs, another Texture2D vari-
able to maintain the current color, and variables for storing the position, origin and
angle of the cannon barrel. We are going to put all these member variables inside
the Cannon class, since they are all belong with the cannon game object :
Texture2D cannonBarrel;
Texture2D colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue;
Texture2D currentColor;
Vector2 position;
Vector2 barrelOrigin, colorOrigin;
Color color;
float angle;
We have also added a member variable color to indicate the current color of the can-
non. Although this variable is redundant, it will be convenient later on for retrieving
and setting the current cannon color.
Now that we have added these declarations to our Cannon class, every time we
create an instance of this class, the object that has been created will contain these
variables. However, we did not yet provide any information about which values
these variables should have when the object is created. For this, we need to define a
constructor method in the class. The constructor method is a special kind of method
that tells the compiler what to do when an object of type Cannon is created. Often,
constructor methods will mainly contain instructions for assigning values to the
variables that are a part of the object. Not all of these values are known inside of the
Cannon class. For example, we need to assign a value to the cannon_barrel variable.
Normally, we would load the sprite using the Content property. However, we cannot
do that inside the Cannon class, because there is no Content property in that class.
So how can we access the content manager in this case? Fortunately, constructors
can have parameters just like other methods. The variable that the Content property
gives us is of type ContentManager , so we add a parameter to the Cannon constructor
of that type. In order to use the ContentManager type, we have to add an additional
using -instruction at the top of the Cannon.cs file, so that the compiler can recognize
the type:
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
The header of the Cannon constructor method is then defined as follows:
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