Game Development Reference
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to manage. In this chapter, we will look at various ways to organize the code to keep
things manageable.
7.2.2 The HandleInput Method: Organizing Instructions in
Take a look at the Painter3 program belonging to this chapter. A difference between
the Painter2 program and the Painter3 program is that the Painter class contains an-
other method called HandleInput . This method was created by the programmer of this
game, as opposed to the others, which are required by the framework in some way.
Generally, programmers define methods in such a manner that they logically divide
the instructions into related 'chunks' of instructions. By grouping our instructions
in methods, we can more easily recognize which instructions do what. A second
advantage is that if we structure these instructions in methods in a smart way, we
can reuse the same instructions in different contexts. This is what the HandleInput
method looks like:
public void HandleInput()
previousMouseState = currentMouseState;
previousKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState;
currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState();
currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
Inside this method, we placed all the instructions for handling player input (both
mouse and keyboard). The HandleInput method is then called from the Update
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
Currently, the Update method does not do anything else, but this will change in the
later versions of the game. It is very useful to put all input handling into a separate
method, because when we need to change how the game responds to player input,
we immediately know where to look. Furthermore, we can now clearly see the dif-
ference between dealing with player input and updating the game world. Although
in the current version we do not need to update the game world in any way, a more
complicated game will need to do a lot of different things: handle collisions between
game objects, calculate speed and positions of objects, update the current score, and
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