Java Reference
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Short Answer
1. Applications that are written or rewritten to work using a Web server are
c a l l e d ________________.
2 . A ( n ) ________________ i s a We b p a g e that is created as needed and often
contains data content extracted from a database.
3 . A ( n ) ________________ i s a We b p a g e that exists in its entirety on the Web
server before it is used.
4 . ________________ r e f e r s t o p r o c essing that uses resources available only on
the client.
5 . ________________ i s a standard protocol used by Web browsers and Web
servers to communicate with each other over the Internet .
6 . A ( n ) ________________ s p e cifies the full path needed to obtain a Web page.
7 . A ( n ) ________________ i s s o ftware that allows a Web server to work with
servlets and JavaServer Pages.
8 . A ( n ) ________________ i s a t e r m f o r a p r o g r a m that is executing.
9. Using the same instance of a process for multiple, concurrent uses is known
a s ________________.
10. Each one of multiple, concurrent uses of a process is called a(n)
11. Code that avoids unwanted interaction between the threads is termed
12. A section of Java code embedded within the HTML of a JSP is called a(n)
13. When clicked, a(n) ________________ causes the information on a form to be
sent to the server for processing.
14. When clicked, a(n) ________________ causes all input elements on a form to
be reset to their initial values.
1 5 . ________________ i s a s c r i p t i n g l anguage with syntax similar to Java that is
used to insert functionality within an HTML document.
16. A callable section of code in JavaScript, much like a method, is called a(n)
17. The data type of a variable does not have to be declared in a(n)
________________ language.
18. A built-in object in JavaScript representing the HTML document is the
________________ o b j e c t .
19. A built-in object in JavaScript representing the browser window is the
________________ o b j e c t .
20. The JavaScript function, ________________, p r e s e nts a dialog box with a
message and an OK button .
21. A form field must have ________________ t o a c c e p t u s e r input.
22. An action that occurs, typically as a result of a user's action, is called a(n)
2 3 . A ( n ) ________________ associates an event with the JavaScript code that is
performed when the event occurs.
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