Java Reference
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Short Answer (continued)
8 . A ( n ) _______________ i s the action of undoing changes made to a database
before completing a transaction.
9 . _______________ i s another term for the DBMS software.
1 0 . T h e _______________ c lass provides the basic services for managing a set of
JDBC™ drivers.
11. Calling the _______________ m e t h o d f o r a n o u t p u t s t r eam ensures that any
buffered output bytes are written.
12. A database _______________ i s u s e d t o a d d , m o dify, or delete data from the
1 3 . _______________ i s the process of encoding the state of an object into a
1 4 . A ( n ) _______________ i s a l o g ical unit of work.
15. An interface with no methods or fields is called a(n) _______________.
16. An association between columns in two tables is called a(n) _______________.
17. A(n) _______________ r e t u r n s a s e t o f data results based on a set of parame-
18. A(n) _______________ is one or more fields in a table that reference the pri-
mary key field(s) of another table.
1 9 . _______________ i s a t y p e o f s o ftware design pattern that separates data access,
the way the data is viewed, and control of how the data is used.
2 0 . _______________ i s the capability of an object, including its state, to be saved
over time.
21. The communication pathway between the user program and the database is
called a(n) _______________.
22. The first stage of database design in which there are no repeating groups is
c a l l e d _______________.
2 3 . To _______________ a t r ansaction means that all changes are saved.
24. Obtaining a(n) _______________ i s the database equivalent of opening a file.
25. The deletion of an index or a table is called a(n) _______________.
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