Java Reference
In-Depth Information
10. The process of ________________ a c lass is the means of implementing
inheritance in Java.
1 1 . A ( n ) ________________ c lass provides an empty method for each abstract
method declared in an interface.
12. An object created without a reference variable is called a(n) ________________
13. Declaring a class as ________________ p r e v e nts it from being inherited.
14. A class depicted as a(n) ________________ i n a n inheritance hierarchy has no
1 5 . A ( n ) ________________ c lass is any class that provides inherited features to a
subclass or child class.
1 6 . A ( n ) ________________ c lass is any class that inherits attributes and behaviors
from the superclass or parent class.
1 7 . T h e ________________ c lass in an inheritance hierarchy is the topmost superclass.
18. Declaring a method as ________________ p r e v e nts it from being overridden in
a subclass.
19. Java provides a(n) ________________ t o r e m o v e u n u s e d o b j e c t s and return
their memory to the operating system.
20. The Java keyword, ________________, indicates an interface rather than a class
will be used.
2 1 . Me t h o d c a l l ________________, o r ________________, i s a means of coding
multiple method calls separated by period separators.
22. To return quickly to a line, or multiple lines, of code in TextPad, you can
________________ e a c h line.
23. A(n) ________________ is a way for one object to provide a generic reference
to itself, so that a second object can call back to a known method of the first
24. A(n) ________________ method is a method of an object called from a second
object using a callback mechanism.
2 5 . A ( n ) ________________ i s a J a v a file that contains only method declarations
and/or constants.
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