Java Reference
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Short Answer
1 . T h e k e y w o r d ________________ i s u s e d t o indicate a helper method available
only to the class in which it is defined.
2. Collectively, the public methods of a class are known as the ________________.
3 . A ( n ) ________________ v a r i a b l e r e p r e s e nts a shared value among objects of the
same class and is indicated by the keyword ________________.
4. A format for storing a group of data is known as a(n) ________________.
5. String values that are constant are described as being ________________.
6. For modifiable string values, you should use objects of type ________________.
7. Encoding text to make it unintelligible to unauthorized users is called
8. The design principle of ________________ means being able to use existing
software to develop a new application.
9. The principle of ________________ means allowing only the minimum access
necessary to do the job.
10. Every object has its own set of values for its ________________ v a r i a b les.
11. The ________________ of a variable refers to where in the program the variable
is accessible.
1 2 . A ( n ) ________________ r e p r e s e nts temporary storage available only within a
given method.
13. A variable whose value cannot be changed is declared as ________________.
14. An uninitialized named constant is called a(n) ________________.
15. An API in Java for dealing with a number of common data structures, or
collections, is the ________________.
1 6 . A ( n ) ________________ i s a r e usable class representing a list implemented as
an array.
1 7 . A ( n ) ________________ i s a r e usable class that relates keys to, at most, one
value each.
18. A method that has the same name as the class and no return data type is
called a(n) ________________.
19. A method that has the same name as the class, no return data type, and no
parameters is called a(n) ________________.
20. When no other value is supplied, the initial value used for a variable is called
the ________________.
21. Any two or more methods having the same names and defined in the same
class are considered to be ________________.
22. The method name and parameter list, but not the return data type, comprise
the ________________.
23. A(n) __________________ method, sometimes called a set or setter
method, is used to change the value of a private variable.
2 4 . T h e k e y w o r d ________________ p r o v i d e s a n e xplicit reference to the current
object within the class.
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