Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Java Server Pages (JSP) (7)
Java Software Development Kit (SDK)
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) (30)
Java Web Start (6)
JavaBean (9)
JavaScript (6)
message (24)
methodology (11)
methods (16)
object (3)
object-oriented design (OOD) (3)
object-oriented programming (OOP)
operation (24)
parsimonious (3)
platform (3)
platform-independent (3)
polymorphism (28)
portable (3)
program (2)
program development cycle (11)
programmers (2)
programming language (2)
pseudocode (18)
rapid application development (RAD)
requirements document (12)
reusability (9)
robust (3)
secure (3)
server software (7)
server-side (7)
servlet (7)
software developers (2)
storyboard (15)
strongly typed language (3)
subclass (23)
subclassing (27)
superclass (23)
syntax (2)
test cases (21)
test plan (21)
testing (21)
transparent (27)
trigger (24)
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
unit testing (20)
usability (19)
validate (19)
value-added text editor (VATE)
Web server (7)
Web service (8)
windowed application (5)
Homework Assignments
Short Answer
1 . A ( n ) _______________ i s a s e t o f w o r d s , s y m b ols, and codes that enables a
programmer to communicate instructions to a computer.
2. The particular set of grammar or rules that specify how the instructions are
to be written is called the _______________ o f t h e l a n g u a g e .
3. List some of the characteristics of Java.
4. Define the differences between a Java application, an applet, and a servlet.
5. _______________ is a scripting tool created by Netscape in cooperation with
Sun Microsystems to insert code statements directly into the HTML of a
Web page, in order to add functionality and improve the appearance of the
Web page.
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