Java Reference
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Short Answer
1. The modifier, ________________________, i s u s e d t o e n s u r e that a driver class
cannot change a variable inadvertently.
2 . ________________________ means that components and instance variables are
not accessible outside the class.
3. Classes and methods from the ________________________ p a c k a g e f a cilitate
moving data in and out of the system clipboard.
4 . T h e ________________________ c o m p o n e n t i s u s e d t o c o n s t r u c t a n instance of a
menu bar.
5 . T h e ________________________ m e t h o d assigns the MenuBar to the frame.
6 . T h e ________________________ m e t h o d d e l e t e s a n i t e m f r o m t h e m e n u .
7 . T h e ________________________ i s a p o r t i o n o f t e m p o r a r y m e m o r y r e s e r v e d f o r
user storage.
8 . J a v a's ________________________ c lass implements the system clipboard to
transfer data in and out of the clipboard.
9. The Toolkit class is the ________________________ o f a l l a c t ual implementa-
tions of the Abstract Window Toolkit.
1 0 . T h e ________________________ i n t e r f a c e a l l o w s f o r m e t h o d s that can be used to
provide data for a transfer operation.
11. The getTransferData() method requires a(n) ________________________ argu-
ment, which encapsulates information about specific data formats.
12. The variable, stringFlavor, is a(n) ________________________ v a r i a b l e , r e p r e -
senting any generic string of characters.
1 3 . T h e ________________________ m e t h o d , a m e t h o d associated with ActionEvent
objects, can be used to compare against a component's variable name.
14. The class, ________________________, i s the superclass of all errors and excep-
tions in the Java language.
15. The ActionListener interface requires a(n) ________________________ m e t h o d .
16. Explain the logic presented in Figure 6-4 on page 384.
17. List and explain the function of each line of code in the program presented
in this chapter containing one or more of the variables listed in Table 6-2 on
page 387.
18. List and describe three constructor methods for Menu components.
19. Explain the purpose of four of the methods commonly related to menus.
20. Explain the purpose of five of the methods related to the Clipboard.
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