Java Reference
In-Depth Information
link to Window class
Frame class selected
Frame link
2. Read the description of the Frame class and how its position on the screen
can be manipulated relevant to the origin of the physical screen.
3. Scroll to the Method Summary table.
4. Choose any three methods that were not discussed in the chapter. One at a
time, click each of the three chosen links. When the field definition is
displayed, drag through the definition to select it. Print a copy of the field
definition by clicking File on the browser's menu bar and then clicking Print
on the File menu. When the Print dialog box is displayed, click Print selec-
tion and then click the Print button in the Print dialog box.
5. Click the Back button on your browser's toolbar to return to the Frame
page. At the top of the Frame page, click the java.awt.Window link to view
information about the superclass, Window (Figure 5-47).
6. Read the definition of a Java Window. Write a paragraph describing the
difference between a Window and a Frame. Explain why the Window
constructor methods create invisible Windows. Include the reasons that
a Frame is a subclass. Describe a situation in which you would use both a
Window and a Frame in the same application.
Short Answer
1. A class or method that is not part of the driver class is called a(n) __________.
2. Using the access modifier, ________________, i n a c lass header means that the
class is accessible by all objects and can be extended, or used, as a basis for
any other class.
3. Defining more than one method with the same name is called _____________.
4 . A ( n ) ________________ i s a n u m b e r r e f e r e ncing a member of an array.
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