Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Start TextPad. Save the program as a Java source code file with the file name,
2. Enter general documentation comments, including the name of this lab,
your name, the date, and the file name.
3. Import the* package and the javax.swing.JOptionPane package.
4. Type the class header and an opening brace to begin the class.
5. Type public static void main(String[] args) and an opening brace
to begin the main() method header.
6. Declare the following variables using the code:
String strChoice, strTryString, strTryInt, strTryDouble;
int choice, tryInt;
double tryDouble;
boolean done = false;
7. Begin a while(!done) loop to repeat as long as the user does not click the
Cancel button.
8. Inside a try statement, enter code to display an input box with three choices,
as shown in Figure 4-68.
9. Type choice = Integer.parseInt(strChoice); on the next line to
parse the value for the choice entered by the user.
10. Create a switch statement to test for each of the three choices. Type
switch(choice) as the header and then press the ENTER key. Type an
opening brace.
11. Enter a case statement for each of the three choices, using pages 254 through
257 as a guide for coding the switch, case, and break statements.
• Case 1: If the user enters a 1, display a message that informs users they are
correct, as any input can be saved as a String. Enter the break statement.
• Case 2: If the user enters a 2, parse the value into tryInt. Display a message
that informs users they are correct. Enter the break statement.
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