Java Reference
In-Depth Information
4. Scroll to display the Field Summary table.
5. Chose any three fields in the Field Summary table. One at a time, click each
of the three links. When the field definition is displayed, drag through the
definition to select it. Print a copy of the field definition by clicking File on
the browser's menu bar and then click Print on the File menu. When the
Print dialog box is displayed, click Print selection and then click the Print
button in the Print dialog box.
6. Click the Back button on your browser's toolbar to return to the
JOptionPane page. Scroll to the Method Summary table. Choose any five
methods and then click the links and read their descriptions. Make a list
of the five methods, their return values, and their argument data types.
7. Write a paragraph describing a computer application that might make good
use of a JOptionPane method.
Short Answer
1. In Java, the process of joining two strings with a plus sign is called
2. Data flowing in or out of a program in Java is called _______________.
3. ISR stands for _______________.
4 . _______________ i s the process of constructing an instance of a data type or
object from a previously defined class.
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