Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To Run and Test the Swing Program
1. Click Tools on the menu bar and then click Run Java Application on the
Tools menu. When the height Input dialog box is displayed, type 67 in
the text box.
The command prompt window displays the program name (Figure 3-33).
The height Input dialog box, which is displayed in front of the command
prompt window, includes a text box for input.
height entered
in text box
first Input
dialog box
prompt window
displays name
OK button
2. Click the OK button. When the weight Input dialog box is displayed,
type 145 in the text box.
The height Input dialog box closes and the weight Input dialog box is dis-
played (Figure 3-34). The weight value is entered in the text box.
second Input
dialog box
weight entered
in text box
OK button
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