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a level set framework. We give an overview of these two families of methods in
the next section.
Level Set Speed Functions with Regularizers
Suri et al. review in [9] recent works on the fusion of classical geometric and
geodesic deformable models speed terms with regularizers, i.e., regional statis-
tics information from the image. Regularization of the level set speed term is
desirable to add prior information on the object to segment and prevent seg-
mentation errors when using only gradient-based information in the definition
of the speed. Four main types of regularizers were identified by the authors of
the review:
1. Clustering-based regularizers
2. Bayesian-based regularizers
3. Shape-based regularizers
4. Coupling-surfaces regularizers
We give in the next section a brief overview of each method.
(1) Clustering-based Regularizers : Suri proposed in [28] the following en-
ergy functional for level set segmentation:
t = ( εκ + V p ) |∇ φ |− V ext φ,
where V p is a regional force term expressed as a combination of the inside and
outside regional area of the propagating curve. This term is proportional to a
region indicator taking value between 0 and 1, derived from a fuzzy membership
measure as described in [29].
(2) Bayesian-based Regularizers : Recent work from Baillard et al. [30] pro-
posed an approach similar to the previous one where the level set energy func-
tional expressed as:
t = g ( |∇ I | )( κ + V 0 ) |∇ φ |
uses a modified propagation term V 0 as a local force term. This term was de-
rived from the probability density functions inside and outside the structure to
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