Biomedical Engineering Reference
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forces arising from the differences in the image intensities and gradients in
Eq. (12.12), and F int is the vector of internal forces resulting from the stress di-
vergence. The material and geometric stiffnesses combine to give the mechanics
regularization stiffness:
( B NL ) T
σ B NL d ν +
( B L ) T c B L d ν.
The contribution of the image-based energy to the tangent stiffness is:
N T k N d J .
Together, the terms in Eq. (12.22) and Eq. (12.23) form the entire tangent stiffness
matrix. In our FE implementation, an initial estimate of the unknown incremen-
tal nodal displacements is obtained by solving Eq. (12.21) for u and this solution
is improved iteratively using a quasi-Newton method [27].
Solution Procedure and Augmented Lagrangian
In the combined energy function in Eq. (12.9), the image data may be treated
as either a soft constraint, with the mechanics providing the “truth”, as a hard
constraint, with the mechanics providing a regularization, or as a combination.
For typical problems in deformable image registration, it is desired to treat the
image data as a hard constraint. Indeed, the form for U specified in Eq. (12.8) is
essentially a penalty function stating that the template and target image intensity
fields must be equal over the domain of interest as λ →∞ . The main problem
with the penalty method is that as the penalty parameter λ is increased, some
of the diagonal terms in the stiffness matrix K I become very large with respect
to others, leading to numerical ill-conditioning of the matrix. This results in
inaccurate estimates for K 1
, which leads to slowed convergence or divergence
of the nonlinear iterations.
To circumvent this problem, the augmented Lagrangian method is used [33,
35]. With augmented Lagrangian methods, a solution to the governing equations
at a particular computational timestep is first obtained with a relatively small
penalty parameter λ . Then the total image-based body forces U /∂
ϕ are incre-
mentally increased in a second iterative loop, resulting in progressively better
satisfaction of the constraint imposed by the image data. This leads to a stable
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