Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Original data
original phantom deformed with the synthetic field
Reconstructed volumes
Global affine registration Non-linear robust registration
Difference volumes
Global affine registration
Multigrid robust registration
Figure 8.8: Results of the registration process on simulated data. The 3D MRI
phantom has been deformed on the top of the figure. In the middle, the recon-
structed volumes are shown and must be compared with the initial volume to
evaluate the quality of the registration. On the bottom, the difference volumes
show the benefits of non-linear registration.
and the reconstructed volume) varies less than 5% of the nominal MSE. This
indicates that the sensitivity of algorithm with respect to these two parameters
is very low.
For simulated data, mean square error (MSE) is a direct measure of the
quality of the registration. Therefore we can also evaluate the influence of f (see
section 8.3.2) on the computation time and on the accuracy of the registration.
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