Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The Once option (see Figure 7-11) is for scheduling a one-time data refresh operation that runs as
soon as the server can process the request. After the data refresh is complete, the system disables this
schedule. Notice that the Also Refresh As Soon As Possible check box is not available when this option
is selected.
FIGURE 7-11 The Once schedule details option.
earliest Start Time
In the Earliest Start Time section, you specify details regarding when you prefer data refresh to occur
(Figure 7-12). You can enter a specific time before which data refresh should not commence, or you
can choose to refresh data after business hours. This page does not determine the time at which
the data refresh actually starts; instead, the schedule is queued and processed based on available
resources. For example, if the server is busy with on-demand queries (which take precedence over
data refresh jobs), the server waits to refresh your data until those queries have been processed. You
can also choose to run a data-refresh operation after business hours. The administrator of the Power-
Pivot Service Application for your organization determines the definition of “business hours.”
FIGURE 7-12 The Earliest Start Time section on the Manage Data Refresh page.
E-mail Notifications
In this section of the Manage Data Refresh page, you can specify email addresses for individuals or
groups who should be notified when a data refresh fails (Figure 7-13). You can receive notifications of
successful data-refresh operations through the regular SharePoint alerting system for email notifica-
tion. (The basis of the alert would be a new file added to the target document library.)
FIGURE 7-13 The E-mail Notifications section on the Manage Data Refresh page.
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