Biology Reference
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the molecular mechanism of the arrestin-receptor interaction much more
than about any other arrestin function, we still need a lot of additional infor-
mation to construct a perfect tool for therapeutic use.
Enhanced phosphorylation-independent versions of all arrestins have
been constructed 125-128 and shown to effectively desensitize several GPCRs
without receptor phosphorylation. 125,126,129 These mutants proved to be
useful in the studies of GPCR phosphorylation 129,130 and its role in partic-
ular biological processes. 130,167,168 However, wider practical use of
enhanced nonvisual arrestins, particularly for therapeutic purposes, is con-
tingent on our ability to make them target the receptors of our choosing,
rather than all GPCRs indiscriminately, like parental WT arrestin-2 and -3.
5.2. Constitutively monomeric arrestins
Self-association of arrestin-1 (known as S-antigen at the time) was discov-
ered even before its role in quenching rhodopsin signaling. 1 Arrestin-1 was
subsequently crystallized as a tetramer (dimer of dimers) by two independent
groups under different conditions. 17,18 It was shown to form dimers and tet-
ramers in solution by a variety of methods: analytical ultracentrifugation, 118
small angle X-ray scattering, 119 and multiangle light scattering. 120 The study
of arrestin-1 self-association using long-range measurements of inter-
subunit distances by DEER yielded an unexpected result; the solution
tetramer was found to be strikingly different from that in crystal form. 120
Elucidation of its structure 122 confirmed the earlier idea that arrestin-1 olig-
omers are storage forms. 118 It also explained the earlier finding that only
monomeric arrestin-1 can bind rhodopsin 120 ; in the physiologically relevant
solution tetramer and both possible dimers the rhodopsin-binding surfaces of
all arestin-1 molecules are shielded by sister protomers. 122
Bovine, mouse, and human arrestin-1 were shown to self-associate via
the same monomer-dimer-tetramer equilibrium, although dimerization
and tetramerization constants were very different in these species. 121
Model-based targeted elimination of the same two phenylalanines generated
self-association-deficient bovine and mouse arrestin-1. 121,122 These results
showed that the structure of the solution tetramer of all mammalian
arrestin-1 is likely very similar, despite striking differences in dimerization
and tetramerization constants. This study also generated a constitutively
monomeric form of arrestin-1 that retained perfectly normal binding to rho-
dopsin and microtubules. 121 This mutant is the molecular tool necessary to
determine the biological role of robust arrestin-1 self-association at concen-
trations normally found in photoreceptors. 110,115-117 This is not a trivial
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