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44. Luttrell LM, Roudabush FL, Choy EW, et al. Activation and targeting of extracellular
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45. Tohgo A, Pierce KL, Choy EW, Lefkowitz RJ, Luttrell LM. b -Arrestin scaffolding of
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46. Povsic TJ, Kohout TA, Lefkowitz RJ. b -Arrestin1 mediates insulin-like growth factor
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48. Kim J, Ahn S, Rajagopal K, Lefkowitz RJ. Independent b -arrestin2 and Gq/protein
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49. Imamura T, Huang J, Dalle S, et al. b -Arrestin-mediated recruitment of the Src family
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50. Barlic J, Andrews JD, Kelvin AA, et al. Regulation of tyrosine kinase activation and
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51. Hunton DL, Barnes WG, Kim J, et al. b -Arrestin 2-dependent angiotensin II type 1A
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52. Ge L, Ly Y, Hollenberg M, DeFea K. A b -arrestin dependent scaffold is associated with
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53. DeFea KA, Vaughn ZD, O'Bryan EM, Nishijima D, D´ry O, Bunnett NW. The
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54. Revankar CM, Vines CM, Cimino DF, Prossnitz ER. Arrestins block G protein-
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55. Ahn S, Kim J, Hara MR, Ren XR, Lefkowitz RJ. b -Arrestin-2 mediates anti-apoptotic
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56. Gao H, Sun Y, Wu Y, et al. Identification of b -arrestin2 as a G protein-coupled
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57. Kang J, Shi Y, Xiang B, et al. A nuclear function of b -arrestin1 in GPCR signaling:
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58. Bryja V, Gradl D, Schambony A, Arenas E, Schulte G. b -Arrestin is a necessary com-
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59. DeWire SM, Kim J, Whalen EJ, Ahn S, Chen M, Lefkowitz RJ. b -Arrestin-mediated
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60. Martin B, Brenneman R, Becker KG, Gucek M, Cole RN, Maudsley S. iTRAQ anal-
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61. Chadwick W, Brenneman R, Martin B, Maudsley S. Complex and multidimensional
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