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pathology and inflammation. By using bone marrow chimera mice, the same
group was able to show expression of b -arrestin 2 in eosinophilic and lym-
phocytic cells contributes to airway inflammation, while expression of
b -arrestin 2 in structural cells contributes to airway hyperresponsiveness. 66
Another study investigated the role of b -arrestin 2 in CD4 þ T lymphocytes
and found that
b -arrestin 2 regulated IL-4 production and GATA3
expression. 47
b -Arrestins can regulate b -agonist-induced desensitization of airway
smooth muscle b 2ARs, which is the cause of loss of bronchoprotective
effect and deterioration of asthma control by b -agonists. b -Arrestin-2-
deficient mice show augmented b -agonist-mediated airway smooth muscle
relaxation and increased b -agonist-stimulated cyclic adenosine monop-
hosphate production. Knockdown of b -arrestins in cultured human airway
smooth muscle cells produced increased b -agonist-stimulated cyclic adeno-
sine monophosphate production. Collectively, these studies suggest that
b -arrestins
b 2AR signaling and function in airway smooth
muscle. 160-162
IL-17 is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays a critical role in the path-
ogenesis of allergic asthma. A recent study found that b -arrestin 2 and IL-17
expression in CD4 þ T cells from a murine asthma model were increased
compared with those from wild-type mice. 64 Moreover, b -arrestin 2 stim-
ulated IL-17 production and expression of CD4 þ T lymphocytes in a
murine asthma model. 64
6.8. Cystic fibrosis
b -Arrestin 2 protein level is increased in cystic fibrosis cell models, Cftr /
mouse nasal epithelia, and nasal scrapes obtained from cystic fibrosis
patients. 163 Elevated b -arrestin 2 expression leads to increased cAMP
response element-binding protein (CREB) activation and ERK activation
in b arr2-GFP expressing tracheal epithelial cells. Inhibition of ERK resulted
in diminished cAMP response element activation in both cells with
and without b arr2-GFP expression. Nasal epithelium excised from Cftr
and b -arrestin 2 double knockout mice exhibit reduced pCREB and
pERK levels compared with Cftr / mice, but similar to WT mice. Thus,
b -arrestin 2 directly regulates cystic fibrosis-induced CREB activation
through the ERK signaling pathway. 164
6.9. Cardioprotection
In addition to regulating the PKA-apoptosis pathway, b 1AR activa-
tion also signals through the b -arrestin-Src-MMP pathway, leading to
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