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part of the innate immune, as well as the adaptive immune, response. Com-
plement fragments bind to specific receptors to induce cellular responses that
trigger inflammatory and immune responses. b -Arrestins 1 and 2 are
involved in complement receptor C3aR desensitization, internalization,
degranulation, NF- k B activation, and chemokine generation in mast cells. 41
Stable knockdown of b -arrrestin 2 expression attenuated C3aR desensitiza-
tion, internalization, and NF- k B activity, as well as chemokine generation in
human mast cell lines that endogenously express C3aR. 41 However, silenc-
ing b -arrestin 1 decreased C3a-induced mast cell degranulation, without
affecting C3aR desensitization. Knockdown of b -arrestin 1, b -arrestin 2,
or both enhanced the early response to C3a but inhibited G protein-
dependent ERK1/2 phosphorylation. 41 Other studies suggested that
although C3aR interacts with b -arrestins, they do not appear to be involved
in C3a-induced ERK activation in a leukemia cell line. 42 Complement C5a
binds to the C5a receptor (C5aR), a GPCR, and the C5L2 receptor, a non-
GPCR, to elicit its proinflammatory functions. A recent study suggested that
C5a binding to C5aR recruits C5L2 and b -arrestin 2. 43 Activation of C5L2
results in the inhibition of C5aR- b -arrestin-mediated ERK1/2 activation,
with no apparent alteration of G protein-mediated functions such as calcium
influx and receptor endocytosis. 43 Bone marrow-derived macrophages
devoid of b -arrestin 2 showed decreased complement C1q gene expression
and enhanced factor-independent survival of CSF-1 through JNK/ERK
signaling. 44 Therefore, b -arrestins appear to regulate complement functions
through receptor desensitization as well as ERK signaling.
-Arrestins and lymphocytes
Both b -arrestins 1 and 2 are expressed in lymphocytes. 45 In thymocytes,
b -arrestin 1 expression was very low compared with splenocytes or lympho-
cytes isolated from lymph nodes. 46 Compared with B cells, T cells contain
substantially more b -arrestin 2. 45 For both na ¨ ve and activated cells, CD4 þ
T cells had much more nuclear b -arrestin 1 than CD8 þ T cells. 46 CD4 þ
T lymphocytes of mice with allergic asthma expressed higher levels of
b -arrestin 2 at both the mRNA and protein levels compared with normal
mice. 47
b -Arrestin expression levels are dependent upon cell type, activation
status, and disease states.
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