Biology Reference
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information about their roles in eliciting (or preventing) specific biological
effects in the individual organs/tissues of the cardiovascular system keeps com-
ing to light, their potential as therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases, a
cluster of diseases that still carries the biggest morbidity and mortality burden
in the entire modern world, will become increasingly evident and attainable.
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12. Snapir A, Mikkelsson J, Perola M, Penttila A, Scheinin M, Karhunen PJ. Variation in
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13. Von Wowern F, Bengtsson K, Lindblad U, Rastam L, Melander O. Functional variant
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14. Ohlin B, Berglund G, Nilsson PM, Melander O. Job strain, decision latitude and
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15. Lymperopoulos A, Rengo G, Funakoshi H, Eckhart AD, Koch WJ. Adrenal GRK2
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