HTML and CSS Reference
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We still need to add a
date to the blog…
Did you notice in our blog design that we
added a date to every blog post? Before
HTML5, dates were created in an ad hoc
way—you might have just added the date
without marking it up at all, or used a <span>
or even a <p> to mark it up. But now, we
have an element that's perfect for the job: the
<time> element.
A two-minute guide to the <time> element
Let's take a closer look at the <time> element. It has an important
attribute, datetime, and the element's kind of picky about the values you
use in this attribute, so it's worth going over some of the details.
T he dat etime attribu te is re quired
if the c ontent of the elemen t isn't
written using t he off icial Int ernet
date/t ime for mat.
<time datetime="2012-02-18"> 2/18/2012 </time>
This is the official Intern et form at
for specifyi ng date s with a day,
mont h, and year.
You c an specify just a year and month,
or ev en just a year.
You can add on a time, in
24-hour form at.
2012-02-18 09:00
Here are some other ways to
express dates and times using
the official format.
2012-02-18 18:00
You can s pecify just a time.
If you use a “Z” after
the date and tim e, then it
means UTC time .
2012-02-18 05:00Z
(UT C = G MT)
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