HTML and CSS Reference
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In your “elixir.html” file, change the greentea paragraph to include all the classes,
like this:
<p class="greentea raspberry blueberry">
Save and reload. What color is the Green Tea Cooler paragraph now?
Next, reorder the classes in your HTML:
<p class="raspberry blueberry greentea">
Save and reload. What color is the Green Tea Cooler paragraph now?
Next, open your CSS file and move the p.greentea rule to the bottom of the file.
N ow, it's g reen, beca use
t he g reent ea ru le co mes
Save and reload. What color is the Green Tea Cooler paragraph now?
l ast in the CSS file.
Finally, move the p.raspberry rule to the bottom of the file.
No w, it's blue, because
th e raspberry rule comes
las t in the CSS file.
Save and reload. What color is the Green Tea Cooler paragraph now?
After you've finished, rewrite the green tea element to look like it did originally:
<p class="greentea">
O kay, n ow t he < p>
el emen t only belo ngs
Save and reload. What color is the Green Tea Cooler paragraph now?
to one class , so w e us e
th e mo st sp ecifi c rule ,
w hich is p.g reent ea.
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