HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Now that you've got your hands on their HTML…
Just a small snippet from
the Caffein e Buzz page .
Scroll down until you see the Coffee section; it looks like this:
This is similar to the naming problem
with <b> mateine </b> and <b> guaranine </b>.
Here's t he Coff ee sectio n. You c an
see the heading for it a long wit h
the sta rt of th e parag raph belo w.
<h3 id="Coffee"> Coffee </h3>
<i> All fluid ounces are U.S. fluid ounces. </i>
Reworking the link in “index.html”
Now all you need to do is revisit the link to Caffeine Buzz
and add on the destination anchor name, like this:
A dd # alon g wit h
This is a snippet from the
Starbuzz “index.htm l” file.
t he de stinat ion id
t o you r hre f.
Read the <a href=""
title="Read all about caffeine on the Buzz"> Caffeine Buzz </a>
Make this change to your Starbuzz “index.html” file.
Reload and click on the “Caffeine Buzz” link. You
should be taken directly to the Coffee section of
Caffeine Buzz's front page.
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