HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Step two:
Enclose your list items with either the <ol> or <ul> element.
If you use an <ol> element to enclose your list items, then
the items will be displayed as an ordered list; if you use <ul> ,
the list will be displayed as an unordered list. Here's how you
enclose your items in an <ol> element.
Again, we're just showing a fragm ent of the
HTML from To ny's journal here .
<h2> August 20, 2012 </h2>
<img src="images/segway2.jpg">
Well I've made it 1200 miles already, and I passed
through some interesting places on the way:
<li> Walla Walla, WA </li>
<li> Magic City, ID </li>
<li> Bountiful, UT </li>
<li> Last Chance, CO </li>
<li> Why, AZ </li>
<li> Truth or Consequences, NM </li>
<h2> July 14, 2012 </h2>
I saw some Burma Shave style signs on the side of
the road today:
W e wan t this to b e an o rdere d list , beca use T ony vi sited the
ci ties i n a sp ecific orde r. So we us e an < ol> o pening tag.
All the list items sit in the
middle of the <ol> element
and become its content.
Is <ol> a block element or inline? What about <li> ?
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