Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
carbon-filled structural closure up the dip (Figs. 3.24b, 3.25b), different types of faults
between the downdip well and the updip wells (Figs. 3.24c-e, 3.25c-e) or a stratigraphic
permeability barrier (Figs. 3.24f, 3.25f ). A stratigraphic barrier does not necessarily
require the structure to be changed from the original interpretation. The structural
configuration is the same in Figs. 3.24f and 3.25f as in Figs. 3.24a and 3.25a.
Contouring Styles
Use the data from the Weasel Roost Formation (Fig. 3.26) to try out different contour-
ing techniques and to see the effect of trend biasing. Use interpretive contouring and
assume a surface with no grain. Contour by parallel contouring: (a) assuming a north-
west-southeast grain; (b) assuming a northeast-southwest grain. Draw crestal and
trough traces on the structure contour maps just completed. Use interpretive con-
touring and assume a northeast-southwest grain. Define a TIN using greedy triangu-
lation and contour by linear interpolation.
Fig. 3.26. Map of elevations (feet or meters) of the top of the Weasel Roost Formation
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