Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 3.23. Composite-surface map of the top Mtfp, Blount Springs map area of Fig. 2.4. The outcrop trace
of the top Mtfp is a wide, light gray line . Thicknesses used for projection are: Mpm = 108 ft and Mh = 105 ft,
calculated from the geologic map (Fig. 2.4); Mtfp = 245 ft from a well in the area; Mb = 625 ft from the
outcrop just southeast of the map area. Map coordinates are UTM in meters and contour elevations are in
feet. Squares are locations of dip measurements. a Map. b Oblique 3-D view to the northeast
The major northeast-southwest trending structure (Fig. 3.23) is the Sequatchie anti-
cline, now clearly shown to be an asymmetric anticline with a steep forelimb on the north-
west. The internal consistency of the data appears to be good, confirming the general vali-
dity of all the mapped outcrop traces. The flattening and spreading of the anticline at its
southwest end is real, and represents a saddle where the fold crest steps to the northwest.
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