Geology Reference
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Fig. 11.44. Alternative restorations of Wheeler Ridge anticline (Fig. 11.43) by flattening to a datum at
the top of the Tertiary San Joaquin Fm (Tsj, marker 1). Wells show logs used for correlation of units.
a Flattening to a datum, disregarding possible slip on the faults. b Restoration by flattening to the
Tsj datum with removal of fault slip (Medwedeff 1992)
tally. Assuming that the faults were active during the formation of the anticline, the
fault wedge is restored by displacing the elements horizontally along the faults
(Fig. 11.44b) so as to remove all of the hangingwall displacement. Which restoration
is better is a geological decision. The restoration based on active faults (Fig. 11.44b)
successfully flattens all the horizons down to horizon number 7, whereas the restora-
tion based on passive faults (Fig. 11.44a) flattens only the original datum horizon. The
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