Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Sequential Faults 1
Two different fault trends occur in the area of Fig. 8.62. Map the faults and the A sand.
What is the reason for the hydrocarbon trap in the A sand? What are the attitudes of
the faults? What is the throw and heave on each fault? Which fault is older? If the hy-
drocarbons migrated before the formation of the younger fault, would the trapping
potential of the structures be the same?
Sequential Faults 2
Contour the Northport Dolomite in the map of Fig. 8.63, being careful to explain
the fault cuts and the oil trap(s). Is there one oil field or two? What are the attitudes
of the faults? What is the throw and heave on each fault? Which fault is older? If
the hydrocarbons migrated before the formation of the younger fault, would the trap-
ping potential of the structures be the same? Are there any additional hydrocarbon
Fig. 8.62. Map of the top of the A sand ( A ) and faults ( f ) in wells drilled for oil. The solid circle is an oil
well, open circles are dry holes. Everywhere away from the faults clear bedding dips are recorded on the
dipmeter; they are about 27, 334. Close to the fault in well 4 the bedding dip is at azimuth 062. In well 6
the bedding dip close to the fault is at azimuth 189. In well 7 the dips of bedding are in all directions
near the fault. Elevations are in meters, negative below sea level
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